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The perfect tool to add to any 'therapeutic treasure box', this set of 68 cards provide a great way to help open conversations and structure discussions with children and adolescents.
The Treasure Deck offers a fun, non-threatening way to help to build understanding and forge relationships. It also provides a safe, playful way for children to articulate and make sense of their feelings, thoughts, experiences and beliefs.
The deck comes with two different types of card - the 'feelings cards' and the 'sentence-completion cards' - which can be used separately or together, and the cards are accompanied by a booklet which explains some of the different ways in which they can be therapeutically used.
Designed and tested by specialist clinical psychologist, trainer and author Dr Karen Treisman, this deck is a little treasure that will have great value for anyone working with children and adolescents.
Contains 68 cards in a storage box.
Box dimensions 10 cm x 13.5 cm x 3.5cm
Recommended for Ages 6 years+
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