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In this ground-breaking book by Reid Wilson, PhD and Lynn Lyons, LICSWA it provides a jargon-free, step-by-step plan to assist families with anxious and avoidant children.
In order to stop the cycle of fear the key is Action, not avoidance, allowing children to grow with courage and healthy independence. Through this book you will learn the difference between healthy worrying and debilitating anxiety and the skills to help your child to face challenges and move forward despite the threat. Ironically, it can be well-meaning parents that are unwittingly planting the seeds of worry and avoidance and fueling them. "Calm down, nothing bad will happen" can encourage children to stay frightened, indeed pushing down one worry and another popping up. Through this book with the examples, exercises and reflections you will learn 7 ways to stop the worry cycle, recognise and express triggers and reactions enabling understanding of the anxiety that your child is experiencing and to help overcome these together with Action to raise courageous and independent children.
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