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Explore the textures and colours of The CaaOcho Petit Rainbow Ball Bath Toy, a beautiful, bright, visual and sensory stimulating ball for play inside and outside of the bath tub!
CaaOcho Sensory Rainbow Ball is 100% pure natural rubber, earth friendly, produced sustainably and is entirely biodegradable. A hermetically sealed natural rubber toy that provides a wonderful sensory experience for any baby. It features bright rainbow colours for visual stimulation and 4 different textures for encouraging tactile exploration through both hand and mouth.
A hermetically sealed design prevents internal bacteria and mould growth making it safe for play in the bath tub. CaaOcho Petit Rainbow Ball Bath Toy is 100% pure natural rubber, earth friendly, produced sustainably and is entirely biodegradable. Certified non-toxic, BPA, PVC, Phthalate, Nitrosamine and colour free, both you and your baby can be happy and content with this toy. Additional info:
Dimensions approx 8cm x 8cm Recommended for Ages 0m+
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