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Kids Beyond Limits shares breakthrough results for children with autism, Asperger's syndrome, brain damage, cerebral palsy, ADHD and other developmental disorders or delays.
Supported by the latest brain research the Anat Baniel Method for Awakening the Brain and Transforming the Life of Your Child with Special Needs, uses simple, gentle movements and focus to help.
By shifting the focus to 'connect' rather than 'fix', this powerful method helps children and parents de-stress, focus and grow and most of all helps children maximise their potential, no matter what their diagnosis.
Clinical psychologist Anat Baniel has established an international reputation for her work with children with special needs , refining her method for more than thirty years.
'This accessible, insightful, practical book for parents of children with special needs will profoundly deepen their ability to help their children improve.' Norman Doidge, MD, author of The Brain That Changes Itself
'This wonderful book illustrates how to engage the miraculous capacities of the brain to change and heal.' Harvey Karp, MD, FAAP, creator of the DVD and book The Happiest Toddler on the Block
'Kids Beyond Limits gives parents and others who care for special children new hope and a new sense of possibilities.' Arianna Huffington, president and editor in chief of the AOL Huffington Post Media Group
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