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Homemade Smoothies for Mother and Baby: 300 Healthy Fruit and Green Smoothies for Preconception, Pregnancy, Nursing and Baby's First Years by Kristine Miles.
Optimize your health with tasty, all-natural smoothies, packed with vitamins,minerals and other vital nutrients that address you and your baby's every need.
Homemade Smoothies for Mother and Baby also offers information on food allergies and intolerances, tips for transitioning babies from breast milk to solid foods as well as tricks to disguise healthy greens for toddlers and children.
Additional Details: Paperback About the Author: Kristine Miles is a health professional with over 16 years experience. She is passionate about life-long learning, plant based nutrition and living a low toxic lifestyle. Her mission is ‘to promote health and wellbeing, by empowering others to lead lives free of chemicals and full of real, delicious food’.
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