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If you read one parenting book and have children over 3 years old , then this is the book for you. Who doesn't sometimes feel disconnected from their loved ones or feel like they are not completely understood. This is the book that helps YOU to understand WHO and WHAT your child needs to feel loved and safe and to assist in filling up their love bank when needed. Children need to feel loved to best succeed. But if you and your children speak different love languages, your display of love might get lost in translation–affecting your child’s attitude, behavior, and development. In The 5 Love Languages of Children, Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell M.D. have applied the innovative system of the 5 love languages to children. This easy-to-read resource gives practical suggestions for understanding how your child gives, receives, and interprets love. Through real life examples, this book will help you discern your child’s love language and learn how to create a secure environment in which he or she can thrive. Discover how to successfully express your respect, affection, and commitment to your child, and notice the improvement in his or her behavior and in your relationship.
Paperback book.
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