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Wobbel Wooden XL Balance Board with Forrest Green Felt
Wobbel boards originally found their origins in Waldorf schools. The XL Wobbel board is made for older children , teenagers and adults alike.
Stimulating balance and core strength this item is a wonderful way to help build strength and physical awareness. Using the Wobbel Boards can assist in building muscle and enhancing muscle tone - excellent for kids with special needs or those that like to move and wiggle a lot. My son loves to rock and gets enjoyment from vestibular input (rocking , rolling movements) and he watches TV on this board as well as plays with his sister pulling and balancing with her on the board together . The options of play are endless.
Adults can use this board for yoga moves , assisting in balance , coordination and core strength also.
If your child has special needs we definitely recommend asking your OT for useful exercises for your child's needs.
The Wobbel Board XL features :
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