My Family Facebook Competition

We had so many amazing photos entered into this competition it was overwhelming. What a joy to look through and see everyone's happy faces !!
Our Top Three (as voted by you and your family and friends) were :
" Family is Everything " by J.Mepham

" My beautiful boys & hubby & our beautiful dog in our 1st Family Photo " by F.Tolland

"My Little Family At The Beach"
After much debating and heated discussions in the LTK office on friday we have decided on the winner .

Congratulations to our Winner and Runners up. A massive Thank you to Roses Only for their donation of the gorgeous Boxed Roses , to Lemon Canary for the amazing Candle and hamper pack.
And most importantly a MASSIVE thank you to all who entered and shared their pictures of your gorgeous family with us xx
Love Shelley and the LTK Team :-)