November Gift Giving Tree for Assist a sista

Here at LTK we love to help others. The Assist a Sista organisation is one that we have been closely working with and supporting throughout 2013.
A bit about Assist A Sista...
Assist a sista is a Gold Coast based group of community volunteers who work together to help survivors of domestic violence to rebuild and repair by bringing hope and restoring faith.
Founded on 1st September 2012 by Nicolle and Manuela, both working mums with a passion to make a difference in the lives of others.
Through their facebook page, they facilitate donations of clothing, furniture, non-perishable food items, toys and other essential and non-essential comfort items.
They supply these items on a needs basis, to families (who always remain anonymous), via contacts at shelters from Northern NSW to Brisbane. They are currently rapidly expanding into new regions and their vision is to be active in every city and region across Australia.
To see Assist A Sista become a household name and be present and active in every city and region across Australia.
Assist A Sista Australia will bring awareness to the epidemic that is Domestic Violence through education and action. We WILL make a positive difference; one family at a time.
About Domestic Violence
Domestic violence affects nearly 500,000 Australian women per year. Although women are the majority, men can also be subjected to domestic violence. It does not discriminate; affecting every community regardless of class, culture or background, young or old.
Domestic violence is the misuse of power to gain control over another person. No one deserves to live in fear of domestic violence - especially not children. Assist A Sista strives to empower victims, with the aim of breaking the cycle and enabling victims and their children have a fresh start; a comfortable home with all the basics, whilst they continue to heal.
How Does Assist A Sista Work?
Assist A Sista provide support by bridging the gap, where government support falls short:
- Meeting Immediate Crisis Needs
By assisting with emergency care packs and other emergency supplies, we are relieving some of the immeasurable stress and duress felt by the family.
- Providing Specific "Wish List" Items requested by survivors of Domestic Violence.
- Creating "Assista Havens" for the women (and sometimes men) and their children, once they have exited a refuge and are commencing their journey towards a safe new life in a new home. There is little or no government support available for these brave families and they usually arrive to completely bare housing, without basic necessities, without financial security. Our Havens are completed by motivated and passionate Assistas who create comfortable home environments for the family using items donated by members of the Assistahood.
Assist A Sista completely prepares the house for its transformation into a home for the family by fitting it out with enough beds, furniture, linen, kitchenware, toiletries, curtains, locks, appliances, etc. Upon completion the home is ready for its new family to move in and immediately start focusing upon the healing journey.
HOW YOU can help :
This November we are running a Gift Giving Tree. we have discussed with Assist the best way of helping and they have decided by donating GIFT CARDS we can then empower the women to choose their own gifts for their children. You can donate a Gift Card to Assist A Sista who will be given the cards at the end of November and will distribute them to women in need at Refuges and in the Havens (like the one pictured above) .. We will keep you updated of the Tally each week on our Facebook Page .. Lets help some Sistas in need !