The benefits of an Ultrasonic Vapouriser
This Winters MUST have item explained ..

With winter well and truly on its way and the weather getting cooler, unfortunately also comes the constant stream of coughs and colds or at best the threat of coughs and colds. Especially when you have little ones !
I’ve been using one of those chemist vaporisers for years with my kids, when they get all sniffly, you know the ones we had when we were kids ?
Filled with hot water and lots of vicks or eucalyptus oil to inhale whilst we slept. They worked a treat , however the room was always SO humid after using them and the window and window sills in the morning were drenched with water which in turn promotes mould and bacteria !
Well not anymore.. we are now selling at Lime Tree Kids one of my absolute favourite finds! And ive tried to explain just how and why its so awesome below!
The Ultrasonic Vaporiser is not only an aroma diffuser , an air purifier and humidifier but also a nightlight , looks stylish , is safer and you can live without fear of bacteria forming on any of your furnishings !! Yeah baby !!!
All sounds good, but you’re not really sure what they all mean ?
Well join the club ! It wasn’t until I started researching this product that I came to understand the meaning of all these individual goodies . So here’s my low down ..
Aroma Diffuser : You can use this product to act as an aroma diffuser which basically means you can use the vaporiser as a healthy and effective way to make your office , room or living area smell yummy . Use your favourite essential oil to relieve stress , calm the environment , help with hay fever , keep dust mites at bay .. I love that you can use this system even when the kids are not sick ! Also because the system uses an “ultrasonic” technology it doesn’t have a heat source so the essential oils will not be degraded !
Air Purifier/Ioniser : Improving air quality you breathe by removing harmful substances that contribute to allergies, stale air and odours. As no smoke is produced - only a fine water mist, this makes these diffusers ideal for any room, anytime
Humidifier : Hydrates and moisturisers but without the use of hot steam making the system so much safer and NO condensation = no wet walls, windows and furniture ! Again you can use this system when a little one is sick or have on in the office or living room to combat the drying effects of air conditioning or heating !
Mini Night Light : You have a choice of 3 different lighting effects. With 7 cool and calm colours that can be rotated, set on the one colour to create a still light or switched off.
But why use a humidifier when you’re sick ?
Apart from the fact it’s one of those things “mum” used to always do .. a humidifier actually adds moisture into the air which can then moisten your nasal passages, helping to thin the snotties, helping your congestion to clear. It helps clear up the congestion, so you breathe easier, which is why experts recommend using a humidifier when sick.
Because when winter hits most of us are running heaters 24 / 7 the air becomes very dry. This dry air actually helps cause the discomfort that comes with a cough or congestion . If your nasal passages are dry then the snotties up your nose or your bubbas nose will not drain easily. This is where the humidifier comes in, playing the part of adding moisture to a room and helping break up your congestion and thus allowing your nose to drain (like when you have a hot shower if you have a cold and everything drains away!) .
The benefits of using a humidifier over medications is obviously allowing your body to help itself naturally and also to create an environment for your family that can also alleviate or at least help eradicate most of the dryness in the air , saving the discomfort for yourself or your cherubs as early as possible . PLUS it makes the house super smelly and not in a bad , $2 air freshener kind of way ;-)
Which essential oils should I use and why ?
Essential oils are the liquids distilled from plants. They are usually extremely strong smelling and fragrant. Just like when you cut open a ripe orange or smell a beautiful lavender plant , you can experience the aromatic qualities firsthand of essential oils.
Essential oils do more than just smell good though; they have been used throughout history for their natural healing properties. In today’s society, we are slowly moving towards a a more holistic approach to wellness (hip hip hooray) !! This includes incorporating things such as naturopathy and aromatherapy into our wellness regime .
The simple act of inhaling an essential oil can bring immediate results. Diffusing essentials oils into the air can also get rid of unwanted odours and purify the air of some airborne pathogens. The above vaporiser system is even better than an oil burner as it does not have a heating element and therefore retains the purity of the oils..
The best essential oils to use when fighting a cold or trying to ease congestion are :
Eucalyptus - is well known for its antibacterial, antiseptic and disinfecting properties. The oil is used for colds, flu, coughs, congestion, sinusitis, respiratory infections, skin and throat infections, inflammation, sores, wounds and even as a natural insect repellent.
Lavender – can help with anti-inflammatory, builds immunity, relieves headaches and eases muscle pain, acts as a natural antihistamine. It has a very calming and relaxing, soothing aroma. Generally it just makes you feel so relaxed so its a great one for sleeping too !!
Peppermint – helps to improve breathing by opening sinuses and airways, fights infection, relieves pain of headache and muscular pain, and has anti-inflammatory properties. You can apparently apply it to your temples for headache pain or put some on the back of your neck to relieve stress and tension.
Ylang Ylang - can help with anxiety, tension, shock, fear, panic, rapid breathing, rapid heartbeat, aphrodisiac, physical exhaustion, frigidity, impotence, insomnia, depression and stress. This is one of my most used and favourite of all the essential oils ! I use his is creams and bath oil as well as in our vaporiser . Its also used in some cultures to increase fertility and promote arousal so best be careful where you use this one ;-P
We have chosen a couple of basic oils to sell with the vaporiser to get you started or you can source your own .
The Calming Oil
Need something to help calm you or your house hold?
This fresh and beautiful smelling calming oil is used to assist with anxiety and stress, but allow us to continue to focus.
Ingredients: Ylang Ylang, Petigrain and Orange |
Sniffles Oil
Breathe clean and clear with this anti-bacterial, decongesting and relaxation aroma. All these qualities that Tea Tree,Eucalyptus and Lavender oils are renowned for.
Sniffles is specially formulated to assist in combating the symptoms of winter colds and viruses.